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[Spotlight Post] Cheryl DuCoin and Christmas

Posted by reudaly on December 26, 2014 in Life |

The one moment of sadness in this Christmas was learning of Cheryl DuCoin’s passing. She was a lovely lady I met through John Moore. She was active in the Texas convention circuit. She would dress up with the Redheads and was an artist. I liked her a lot and she will be sorely missed. Many of us didn’t know she had been ill.

On a happier note… Christmas has been achieved. Food and fun occurred with family. Presents were exchanged with gray merriment. I am looking forward to next year.

I did receive the present I needed most – about a month early… A new job in an organization that does seem to appreciate me and my skills. That makes everything better. I am learning a lot, on top of that.

So here’s to the end of 2014 and the approach of 2015. Though this year has seen loss, I know I am heading into the days to come with a lighter heart.

Thank you all for the support and the love. I can’t wait to do it all again.

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