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[Writing Post] Oops.

Posted by reudaly on December 11, 2014 in Life, Writing |

I’m so sorry. I missed the Wednesday Writer Post.

I WISH I could say that I was working on the story I need to turn in this weekend. But alas, we were Christmas Shopping. This is the big/busy week prepping for holidays (and there’s still day job stuff going on).

I am about to input some notes on the story and hope some further feedback comes in before I turn it in. Then we wait and see if the editor likes the end result of the pitch.

For the new writers out there – Just because a PITCH is accepted, doesn’t mean the final STORY will be. I have high hopes, but no guarantees. We’ll just have to see. Then I move on to the next project. What that’s going to be, I’m not sure yet.

This is why I have a bunch of unfinished things… plot bunnies that didn’t play out completely at the time but suddenly decide it’s time to be written.

I also have a couple of novels that need finishing at some point.

So… I should go get some work done.

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