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[Pen/Pencil Review] Speech & Thought Bubble Sticky Notes

Posted by reudaly on December 1, 2014 in Review, writing instruments |

I have awesome friends. They find me fun and unusual pens and other lovely things. These sets of sticky notes came from my friend, Meredith, and I wish I had more opportunities to use them – though when I get my novel edits, I think I’ll have ample opportunities.
These sticky notes came in two packages – one was a “thought cloud” pattern, the other a “talking bubble”. They’re really cute. Each package came with three notes pad. The thought clouds have blue line borders – each pad runs between 2.5″ and 3″ long and about 2″ long. The speech bubbles are plain white and run 1.75″ to over 3″ long and about as wide. Each pad contains 50 sheets for long-lasting sticky note fun.

The adhesive is kinda iffy and the paper is a little thin, so there’s some curling of the note, but not enough to deter from using them. But they really could use more adhesive on the back for more solid sticking, but they are novelties.
These are note pads I really want to use more of. This brand – kwik – doesn’t seem to be available any more, but you can get them through Amazon and other retailers from Kikkerland (a decent novelty office supply company). The kwik brand ran $3 a set – the Kikkerland seem more expensive. The ones I have were probably picked up at Half-Price Books (which sells a lot of this kind of thing). If you like novelty pieces, these are fun. If you find them for the kwik brand pricing, they’re even better. The Amazon price for the Kikkerland is more than I would pay, but that’s them, not these.
The numbers:

1. How does it work?0.5 – You can’t (and probably won’t) do EXTENSIVE note-takin on these, and the adhesive is small and not super sticky. But dang they’re cute.
2. Grip and feel1 – There’s no grip, that’s for the pens. The feel is kinda thin, but then it doesn’t bulk up what you’re adding notes on. They’re meant for charm and cute, that’s what they deliver.
3. Material0.5 – They are thin and could use some extra adhesive. Probably some sort of recyclable paper perhaps (without mentioning it).
4. Overall Design1 – They are awesome novelty sticky notes, especially for those who love comic book designs.
5. Price Point1 – These come at an awesome price – if you get this brand. The retail on them is $3, could’ve probably gotten them cheaper. Kikkerland is more expensive (but also probably can be found on sale).

That’s 4 of 5 bronze pencils.
Pencil 4.0

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