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[Writer Post] Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by reudaly on November 26, 2014 in Life, Writing |

Happy Thanksgiving! It’s a day (tomorrow) to celebrate all those things we’re thankful for – and I’m thankful for all of you. Thank you for your support and friendship. I appreciate you all more than I can adequately express.

It’s been a busy week. Loving the new job (so far – it’s still new) with just the amount of stuff I’m going to get to learn and do in the next year. The same goes for writing. Still waiting for the book edits. Still working on Redheads. I have to finish a short story in the next week or so, and right now it seems to be running out of control, but I can tame it. So it’s a really exciting time – even with the BUSY of the holidays.

Trying to eek out a little more life from my computer. It’s starting to slowly die on me – runs like a snail, starting to crash programs for no good reason. It’s only about 7 years old and has seen some hard use in that time. It’s lived a long, good life. Just needs to live a little more – preferably until the new Windows comes out (I don’t really want to deal with 8 or 8.1). I have always been a PC girl – and will probably remain one, even though I’m not altogether happy with the way Microsoft has taken things lately. I just have to figure out what I need and want. That’s a daunting task. Not looking forward to trying to figure that out. Yay.

And now… to try to work on the short story before family descends. Because deadlines wait for no holiday! So whether you’re celebrating with genetic family or chosen family, may your Thanksgiving be truly blessed.

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