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[Writing Post] Writing, Birthdays, and Tyler Comic Con

Posted by reudaly on October 22, 2014 in Conventions, Life, Writing |

It’s Wednesday blog day. I’ve been relatively productive in the last week. I’ve gone through two sections of Redheads twice for editing passes. There should always be at least two passes – one for story and things that jump out (words spelled into other words – for instance), and the second for more detailed looks. I have a break for a little bit. We’ve all had some death and destruction in our lives this month. Oh, and Real Life Changes those are happening- I’ll get into that when I have more information.

So whilst waiting for the last section, I can move on. But on to what? Not quite sure. I need to do some reconnaissance on what I have in files that’s partially done. Look at some of the plot bunnies I have in my notebook. See which “speaks to me”. Because I need to be adding to word counts while I’m waiting for the editing stuff to head my direction – which means as soon as something starts rolling along, I’ll get that batch of editing and have to stop (or time manage and multi-task). Besides, I have some new pens and very AWESOME “thought cloud” and “dialog block” sticky notes to use. It’s time to start rockin’ the office supplies. (Thank you, Meredith, for the sticky notes).

Dusty and Weems...

Dusty and Weems…

Celebrated Dusty Rainbolt’s birthday this weekend. There was some Redhead business done, but mostly it was a good time for all. We need that every so often. Just a time to hang out and be silly. If you’ve seen the Facebook photos, we were silly. But that’s what having fun is all about. This is the most awesome crew of co-workers/creators I’ve ever worked with.
Dusty and Larry Mandala

Dusty and Larry Mandala

I’m heading to Tyler on Friday for The Tyler Rose City Comic Con this weekend. I get to hang out with Timothy Zahn and Colin Baker. I’ve promised artist, Jeremy Clark, butterscotch triple chocolate chip cookies. So there will be cleaning and packing and baking tonight and tomorrow around other mundane things like grocery shopping. Because it’s all part of the process and the business.

Tyler is a new show for me. I hope it goes well. So… EAST TEXAS! Come by and say hi!

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