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[Spotlight Post] Joan Rivers & Throne and Bones by Lou Anders

Posted by reudaly on September 5, 2014 in Books, Life, Spotlight |

I mentioned on Friday that I would blog about a book and an author. I am going to do that, but I also have to mention a passing first. So a moment of respect for Joan Rivers.

Joan Rivers - photo from That Grape

Joan Rivers – photo from That Grape

Yesterday we all heard the news of Joan Rivers’ passing. She was 81. She has always been part of my entertainment sphere. I remember her hanging with Johnny Carson, on the Red Carpets, on any number of comedy specials. She was bold, brash, and sometimes offensive – but she spoke her mind and made jokes about herself as well as others. Though I may not have always found her brand of comedy funny, I did appreciate her honesty. She never once denied she had plastic surgery – in fact she made it part of her routines. I hope she’s finally found peace with her own beauty and fear of aging. I hope her family now finds some comfort and peace as well. Joan Rivers was an icon, a force of nature, and will be missed.
And now on to something, hopefully more…pleasant. Lou Anders and his new book, Thrones and Bones: Frostborn. This grand adventure features art work by Justin Gerard and features a Viking background – but with giants, and dwarves, and trolls – oh my. This is a middle grade reader book – which means meant (theoretically) for 8-12 year olds (but the young at heart will appreciate it, too).

Karn is a thirteen year old Viking boy who’s obsessed with a board game called Thrones and Bones. He’d much rather play the game than learn how to take over the family land and farmstead. He’s introduced to a half-human/half-Frost Giant, Thiana, at a trading festival. Thiana’s challenge is trying to figure out who she is and where she belongs. That’s where the adventure begins. It catapults into journeys of self-discovery, survival, and rescue.

The cover - from Lou Anders' website

The cover – from Lou Anders’ website

Anders not only created a vivid world, the game now actually exists. The appendices to this book not only contain a glossary for the Norse-based words, but also rules to the game. The companion website lets you also play the Frost Giant game of Knattleikr – which is harder than it looks. And if you want to know more about the local and features? There are amazing maps in the book and on the website. This is a complete experience for the tech side of the brain and the reading side.

Now, I was predisposed to enjoy the book because I like Lou Anders. Anders is an amazing professional and person. He’s won awards as an art director. He’s also an amazing editor at Pyr – as well as an accomplished writer. I’ve worked with him at FenCon and a couple of other conventions – and can’t wait to work with him on a publishing professional level. If you’ve not encountered Lou – you SHOULD. And read the book. I can’t wait to see where the series goes.

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