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[Writer Post] It’s September – Run for the Hills!

Posted by reudaly on September 3, 2014 in Conventions, Life, Writing |

Weeks with holidays are both amazing and disconcerting. There wasn’t a pen post (obviously) on Monday because of the Labor Day holiday (and I took a holiday). But that’s thrown my whole brain pattern off… though I logically (and from the calendar) know that today is Wednesday -there’s still part of me – and my routine that’s CERTAIN it’s only Tuesday – which causes some discombobulation. I know I’m not alone in this.

There’s also the part of my brain that’s a gibbering, panicking mess because “ARGH! It’s SEPTEMBER! FenCon! Redheads! Deadlines! ACK!” Who’s BRILLIANT idea was it to have the new Redheads drafts done by FenCon? Oh, yeah, that was ME! I brought this on myself! WOO! And we’re trying something new for the Redheads panel this year at FenCon – bring it on, September. Bring it on. Oh, right, it already is.

So that’s the current update. I’m doing the headless chicken routine for the next three weeks putting together Redheads and FenCon stuff. So don’t expect a whole lot of thought provoking content (not that you do much anyway…it is me, after all). And… things don’t actually slow down much AFTER FenCon… I’ve picked up some other shows in October and November.

I have stocked up on Target-brand Emergen-C/Airborn type stuff to stay healthy whilst among you lot. So let’s have some fun. Well, you all go have some fun, I’ve got to knuckle down and get words on paper to (hopefully) entertain you all.

Oh, and to show you that my brain is JUST THAT annoying… it came up with an idea for a Christmas story (story, play, not sure what it’ll be yet) for next year. Need to flesh that out at some point – but not until later – and yes, it’s written down.

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