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[Writer Post] Dealing with Technology

Posted by reudaly on June 18, 2014 in Books, Writing |

Welcome to Wednesday and Writer Blog day. In some ways it’s been a much better week, in other ways, meh. This week is “Technology Hates Rhonda” Week – watch for all the specials on all the “Cool Kid Cable Networks”. FORTUNATELY, it’s still in “annoying” stages and not “Financial Gibbs Slap” stages.
WhenPartysOver-with title Web
I’m very excited to be in the middle of the third printing of When The Party’s Over, my independent chapbook collection of “reality ending fairy tales”. I’ve had really good luck having my printing done at Office Depot – they’ve done a good job, and I get killer coupons that help with the costs (making them the financial choice). This is the sixth print job they’ve done for me… and the most screwed up process ever. This is a “new” location for me. They’ve done one other job for me – which was a much “smaller” project which was fine… this one. My anchor piece? Not so much. I will drive further from now on to have printing done at the location that’s only screwed up on a much smaller scale. When all is said and done, I will have to go into this particular location AT LEAST FOUR TIMES, and I have no confidence that it’s going to be right this time – even though it’s gone to “regional” and has required a copyright “authorization” that had to be pulled off the website because none of the staff talked to each other and none of the forms were on site.

Oh, and the dude I dealt with last night? Slightly condescending to the upset customer (me). “Yes, I know you’re upset. Calm down. We have new people. It’s human error.” Um… excuse me? You still have the box of messed up pieces behind your counter. I’ve now had to take MORE TIME out of my schedule to fix your “new staff’s human error” THAT I’M PAYING YOU FOR. And then expect me to be happy and cheerful that I’m cooling my heels in your store while you figure out the screw up. That would’ve NEVER HAPPENED if 1) they’d taken a good look at the project and realized it was beyond their capability and called to tell us it needed to be sent out; and 2) they had check list to go by to make sure they had everything they needed. So, dude behind the counter? I know you THINK you were trying to be placating or comforting, but you weren’t. I so wanted to smack the crap out of him.

I will NEVER ensure a print job to this location EVER again. Might not even shop at that location again. And if you’re thinking about independently publishing something? This is something you’re going to have to deal with. I just hope they get their act together before our coupon expires next week.

But, on the upside, I am getting writing done while I fight with computers and print shops. That’s something. And next week is SoonerCon. YAY!

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1 Comment

  • Russ Ault says:

    I had a run-in with an Office Depot over a decade ago that involved a store manager deciding that my bumper sticker catalogs were too offensive for his poor, fragile staff to be subjected to having to copy. Of course, first he tried to play the copyright card – and when that failed, I’m dead certain that the stickers he then cited as too objectionable were not the ones that he was really pissed off by. The people at Office Max had no such issues. Sadly, Office Max has now been Borged by the ODMonster…

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