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[Spotlight Post] Friday the 13th Edition

Posted by reudaly on June 13, 2014 in Life, Spotlight |

Today’s supposed to be some uplifting Spotlight post. I’m going to try to get some of that in. But a blow has been dealt today, and I’m still processing that. It’s turned into a Friday, The 13th at the Day Job.

Let me start with, if you’re looking for a couple of good reads, I can recommend some. I’ve just finished two (completely different) books – one is SF/Action and the other is a romance. I’m talking about Skin Game by Jim Butcher and Passionate Persuasion by Rosemary Clement-Moore.
Jimmy pre-ordered Jim Butcher’s Skin Game. I’ve lost track of how many books in the Harry Dresden series there are, but Butcher’s not let the series slide. This was a well-done action/adventure with magic, Greek gods and Fae folk. There were major character changes and evolutions – which is what you want in a good series. It had the flowing elements of a long-standing series while maintaining that “full unit of entertainment” that’s sometimes hard to get. This is definitely not a “let’s wander in the woods book. Since, it’s still fairly new, I won’t spoil things for those who still have to read it. But if you’re even a passing Dresden fan, get this one. It’s totally worth the read.
Rosemary Clement-Moore wrote a novella/novelette length romance for Covet . This isn’t a YA piece. It’s a grown up romance that I’m glad I read. It’s a quick, fun read, and as I try to dip my toe into these waters, it proves that you can do “closed door” stuff for this company. It’s fun and romantic but it doesn’t push the lines. It’s what I think I would be comfortable writing – and since Rosemary’s on that list of “writer’s I want to be like when I grow up” it’s good to see that it’s possible. So if you like romance, this is a fun piece that – if anything, ends too soon. I hope Rosemary does more.

And yay, I did get through this. And please, go support these amazing authors.

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