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[Spotlight Post] LeVar Burton & Carrie Vaughn

Posted by reudaly on May 30, 2014 in Books, Spotlight, What I'm Reading |

And now it’s Friday… Spotlight day. It’s been an active week.

I’m getting the word out about LeVar Burton’s efforts on Kickstarter (not that he needs my help). LeVar Burton has been and continues to be more than “Geordi LaForge” on Star Trek: The Next Generation (though we do love him for that). He’s been instrumental in encouraging a love of reading in a whole generation of people through Reading Rainbow and now he’s taking it to the next level. Here’s see for yourself…

Even though they’re well passed their goal financially, the more that’s pledged means the more kids reached. It’s not enough to teach a kid to read. We need to show them that it’s okay to want to read and to develop a love of it – or we as writers won’t have a future audience. It’s both altruistic and completely selfish to see this succeed. And if you’re seeing this on my Facebook feed, sorry…
Speaking of reading, I’ve been doing quite a bit of that lately. If you want a great little romp through a different take on superheroes – let me suggest Carrie Vaughn’s Golden Age series? Well, not a series YET, but there are two books that are a LOT of fun and… for those who care about this kind of thing… suitable for all ages. Ever wonder what would happen if Superheroes had kids? This is your way to find out. After the Golden Age has some nice twists to it that I found quite satisfying. >Dreams of the Golden Age took it to the next step. And I dearly, dearly hope she continues this series. I want more.
And Carrie Vaughn is FenCon‘s Writer’s Worshop leader this year. She’s a lovely person and I can’t wait to get to know her better. You should too. Now… go read something this weekend.

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