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[Writer Post] Dallas Comic Con and Chicken Dancing

Posted by reudaly on May 14, 2014 in Life, Writing |

Well, hey, Wednesday… I’m told today is I’m currently doing the “Headless” version of that – fortunately the Chicken Dance looks enough like flailing no one’s noticing. There’s Day Job Stuff that “has to be done before Thursday afternoon” that hit my desk this morning – of course, half the information I need is scattered hither and yon. (And there was much rejoicing…yay…)

Dallas Comic Con is in TWO DAYS. TWO DAYS!. I do have my table assignment – A270 – which is awesome. It’s on an outer aisle of Artist Alley booths, closest to the wall separating our room from the Celebrity Autographing. I’m also across from some of the “Premier” booths (or Premium, I don’t know), and according to what’s been published, I’m almost directly across from J Scott Campbell. So, hopefully that will all bode well for traffic and such.

A270… remember that. Please come see me… bring your friends. Bring EVERYONE.

Tonight I’m packing up the books and promotional items. I’ll be making notebooks. This is less daunting than for others, I do have relatively limited things, but will be (for the first time, I think) taking EVERYTHING and in greater quantity than ever before, because this is the largest venue I’ve worked at for myself (I’ve done San Diego, but we were working for Allen Williams, not selling my work). I’m a bit overwhelmed by the anticipated SCOPE.

Thursday I’m baking cookies.

Friday, we hit the ground running and don’t stop until Sunday night.

Heaven help us.

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