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[Writer Post] Welcome to Wednesday

Posted by reudaly on May 7, 2014 in Life, Writing |

Welcome to Wednesday. I’m going to try to keep this positive, even though I’m having a Crabby Day Job Day. Today is one of those days where I need to thwack myself in the head with my “Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys” challenge coin and enjoy the fact that I’ve started my Redheads story (that was yesterday) and just muddle through the rest. And this beginning I like.

So, I hope to be able to start concentrating on that. Maybe get a nice start on another project. Try to funnel some of the Real Life stuff into some word counts. Yes, there are outside issues. I’ve been dealing with the corporate transitions with Dallas Comic Con and duplicated paperwork. However, I’ve been given my table assignment, and it looks good on the MAP, we’ll have to see how it all plays out in real time. And sheesh, that’s in 10 days. (Upside to that, next week is a four-day Day Job Week – THAT’S something to be happy about.)

I know some of the crabby is a residual of pinching a nerve or pulling a muscle in my back or hip on Sunday afternoon (a vacuuming accident… cleaning is dangerous work, I’m telling you). I’m mostly fine now, but I still feel a twinge or two when I move right, and that’s…wearing. So I’m really just trying to hunker down and limit my face-to-face interactions as much as possible today.

So I’m going to try to add to the word count and hope the crabby passes. And here’s hoping the Real Life stuff works itself out with the least amount of hassle and frustration. Fun stuff all around.

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