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[Spotlight Post] Easter

Posted by reudaly on April 18, 2014 in Life, Spotlight |

It’s Friday. Good Friday. And I’m sitting here staring at my screen, trying to come up with a post. Meredith is pitching ideas through instant message, but everything’s hitting kinda flat. I thought about doing something for Easter – because Easter’s important to me. Christ is important to me. Faith is important to me. Faith, for me, leads to hope – hope that there is a bigger plan. Hope that there is a brighter future. Faith leads to the assurance that whatever bad happens now is not a permanent situation – but a stepping stone to something greater.

I know there are many on my social media who believe as I do. That fundamentally Christ lived and died to forgive and save us from our sins. Not that we are perfect and don’t commit stupidity, but that we can be forgiven for those things we do that are HUMAN. I try to live by the New Testament commandments of “Love the Lord Your God with all your heart soul and mind and Love your neighbor as yourself.” This is why I am generally pleased with my wide range of friends. I don’t always understand, but I do my best to not condemn or judge because you are important no matter what.

My beliefs are mine. I will share why I believe what I believe if you ask me. And though I do love the differing viewpoints among my friends – you’re the ones who make things fun and exciting – the ones who constantly use less than polite nicknames for large groups of people because of the actions of a few – make me sad and tired. I’m constantly reminded that I have to be tolerant of other people’s views/opinions, while not being offered the same consideration. And that’s … life. We try to change it, but life is messy. I may end up blocking some folks on social media – not because I don’t love them as people, but because I don’t have the energy for the venom. But the ones that offer thought-provoking insights and different ways of seeing thing? My world would be so incredibly boring without you. I love you so much.

I follow a religion of love and forgiveness, and that I will do (on all sides of the spectrum). Forgiveness is an amazing thing… it lets us let go of whatever pain that may have been caused, but it doesn’t mean we have to keep enduring the situation. So, on this Good Friday – this Easter Season – let’s take a moment to forgive the big things and the small things. Let’s lay those bits of pain down and accept the gift of forgiveness.

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