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[Writer Post] You Might’ve Noticed…

Posted by reudaly on March 19, 2014 in Writing |

That I didn’t get a post out yesterday. I tried, very late, and it was boogered.

There was a reason. I was kicking butt on a deadline. I promised to get a manuscript out by this coming weekend. That means my redheaded stubbornness kicks in and I have to finish with time to spare.

So I did. It’s a completed novel – a bit short, but still a completed novel. Not enough time to go through it one more time, so away it went. And one thing is struck from the “to do” list.

That list is still quite long, but yay! And now I can move on and relax a little – and entertain some of the new plot bunnies that have been trying to get my attention.

I am sketching out some ideas for another novel. Just a message trying to schedule a Redheads meeting for the next book there. And there’s still an ongoing collaboration.

Not sure what happened with this last deadline, but instead of being brain fogged and kinda drained for a couple of days, I’m itching to keep on keeping on. I may be weird, but I <3 deadlines!

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