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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Pilot Juice Retractable Gel Pen – 0.38mm

Posted by reudaly on November 4, 2013 in Life |

We’re moving into the holiday season and welcoming Fall, where has this year gone? This week’s pen blog is kind of a set that I picked up from Same pen – many colors – if you’re working on an editing process, or even NANOMO, this is one way you can track changes or keep track of a day’s work (if you’re using pen and ink). I bring you Pilot’s Juice collection.
The Pilot Juice collection is retractable gel ink pens. They do come in a 12 pack and a 5 pack if you want to just get a grouping. I bought six individual ones because there were colors I wanted to try. I also wanted to check out this collection because instead of the larger points, these pens only come in the finer points – 0.05mm and 0.38mm. Which makes me very happy.
The Juice pens are about 5.5″ long retracted and with point extended. The barrels are clear plastic so you can see the ink reservoir with the grip, clip and plunger in corresponding colors. The packaging makes it easy to identify color. The grip is tapered and slightly rubberized to give it a bit of ergonomics. The clip has a sturdy spring to let it flex and grip well.
I chose the 0.38mm (I hear the “duh” from those who know me well). Pilot’s stainless steel points are sturdy and NOT needle tip, which is both unusual for something so small and cool. There’s no thought or fear that you might snap the tip (though I’ve been coming around on needle tips). There are colors I like better than others – especially at this size – the light inks like the leaf green are too light for my taste, but the deeper colors – like Coffee, Dark Red, Blue and Black – are rich and full, even at this fine a line. The roller deposits a smooth line with little skipping, and they do come in some FUN colors.

The Numbers.

1. How does it work?1 – It’s a basic, retractable gel in pen in a very fine point. The mechanism is smooth and the ink is rich.
2. Look and feel0.5 – It’s not bad for a basic gel pen. It has an attempt at ergonomics, but it is just an attempt. There’s a bit of cushion but it’s more for color and show than actual squish.
3. Material1 It’s a decent basic plastic pen. It’s not expensive, but not cheap. It is what is is.
4. Overall Design1 – For what it is, it’s decent. The clip is good. The mechanism is smooth. The colors are fun and give the pens some nice accents.
5. Price Point0.5 – These run $1.65 individually on JetPens. Just under $20 for the 12 pack and just under $10 for the 5 pack. You can only get them by ordering online. They’re not available in US stores. So that makes them a bit more difficult to come by.

4 out of 5 bronze pencils.

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