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[Writer Post] Inspired but Exhausted

Posted by reudaly on October 9, 2013 in Life |

So, FenCon happened. Blog done. Move along now… Oh, wait, you wanted more? Oh, okay. I guess a blog post should be more than a sentence or a line.

FenCon was actually fantastic. There were a few bumps in the beginning, but there always are (and some flight glitches – but that happens as well). I’m on staff of FenCon. My job is to make sure our Guests of Honor have everything they need to do a good job for our fans. And this year’s GOHs were so very awesome. If you’re a convention runner? Collect the whole set. You won’t regret it.
I think I managed to balance my writer life with my staff position fairly well. I was able to participate in 90% of the Yard Dog Press Road Show – if you missed it, there’s going to be a podcast of it eventually. We did a “pass the story” thing that was just a hoot! Not something we do often, so it was new, which is a GOOD THING.
The “Death Panel” with Amber Benson was silly fun. If you get a chance ask her about “ball dolls”. Seriously, ball dolls. The Art Auction did well, and Charity Auction raised a bunch of money for the Autism Treatment Center. Thank you all for your generosity, and your support.

Just as I have a wish list of pens I want to try (mostly out of my price range), I also have a wish list of authors I would love to work with – as a collaborator or in other terms of writing. Amber Benson was on that list just from how much I’ve enjoyed her Calliope Reaper-Jones series and Ghosts Among Us. After working with her as one of our Guests of Honor? She’s on the list with big neon blinking letters. She was gracious, kind, and a joy to work with.
If Heather Dale or SJ Tucker want stories written about their music or in conjunction with their music? I’m all over it. Though I never did get back to the tables to *BUY * anything. I was getting my exercise. But I did join Sooj’s “Lost Girls Pirate Academy” on Facebook. And the same with Tom Smith, who stepped in as Fan GOH, I didn’t get to pick up any music directly.
Cory Doctorow was a delight – and is a bigger coffee snob than even me. So that was cool. We did a coffee bean exchange. It’s fun. I wear my Boing Boing badge proudly. John Ringo and Miriam Sloan were delightful. Glad we could help you out. Just don’t make a comment about what’s under his kilt…just sayin’. And discussing explosives with Geoffrey Landis and Mary Turzillo over an Indian food dinner was just TOO MUCH FUN. And having meals with actual ROCKET SCIENTISTS is a true learning experience. One I would do again in a HEARTBEAT.

I’m not forgetting Charles Vess. He did some amazing art and brought amazing art – Jimmy got to spend more time with him than I did. And Sandy Petersen, the gaming guest, was out and about. He seemed a lovely gentleman.

This was truly an inspiring year. I’m looking forward to diving back into my writing. This was my last convention until 2014. And though I won’t be participating in NANOMO in November, I will be writing. I want to write. I’m energized to write. And for all I was doing I’m not as bone-weary exhausted after FenCon as I was after WorldCon. I’m rarin’ to go. Forward!

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