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[Spotlight Post] Ann “AC” Crispin – Boldly Gone

Posted by reudaly on September 6, 2013 in Life, Spotlight, Writing |

Seriously, I’m getting tired of writing these posts. Good people need to stop dying already. Today we learned of Ann (A.C.) Crispin’s passing. She knew it was coming. She’s been battling cancer and earlier this week she said her farewells to the world at large. She was deteriorating. She felt her time was short, but I don’t think any of us knew just how short.

Ann Crispin was iconic for many of us. I read most of her early Star Trek and even V novelizations. Though she wrote so much more than media tie-in, that’s what I remember. That’s what I grew up reading and being influenced by. Some of her books were the ones I would inhale. I learned craft and voice and structure from her example in those books.

She’s been a protector and guardian to all of us who write by warning all of us about scams and those who prey on young writers eager to be published. Writer Beware has protected so many of us from having irreparable harm done to our financial lives and writing careers. Her willingness to alert the industry at large about unfair and even criminal business practices has been beyond worth.

She said in her farewell that she was surrounded by family and friends. She had more than she knew. Facebook was flooded with well-wishes, tributes, and support in all levels of our industry. She was a light in our world that will not fade quickly or easily. Nor will her impact on this industry diminish – I know I will continue to help shine light on scams and frauds because she proved that paying forward is the right and noble thing to do. I know others will step up to also help inform the industry of things which do us harm – because she did. And because Ann did, we didn’t fall.

No one can replace Ann. But we can carry on her legacy and continue her work. Her stories and writing will be missed, but her influence will live on.

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