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[Writer Post] I Want A Do Over

Posted by reudaly on August 21, 2013 in Life, Writing |

The last week has been one of loss, frustration, and ice cream in all realms of my life. My Day Job has changed some because my manager went on to a new opportunity. We’ve lost two people who were major presences in the Texas region of fandom. It’s the “crunch” time for both conventions I’m involved with. Though I generally like people (yes, really) this week has put me in a mood to be a hermit.

Did I mention I was trying to do my best to de-stress over most of my life? Yeah, that’s apparently something you don’t tell the Universe. It’s like praying for patience. You want less stress and more patience – circumstances that require those virtues are heaped upon your head. That’s when you (and when I say you, I mean me ) recite Wheaton’s Law: “Don’t be a Jerk” (edited for PG rating) over and over and over while dreaming of introducing the Law with a large stick to your target’s head.

Fortunately, the stress part is starting to work itself out (some). Some of the frustration is handled now. Day Job will be a work in progress until a new manager is hired and that routine is set. And I must graciously accept the help I’m getting from some other co-workers, even if it means I still have to open up EVERY. FILE. And fix stuff. Theoretically it’s still faster (I guess) than if I had just done it myself. And since we’re going to need all the stuff I can process so I can be gone next week, I will graciously say “Thank you”.

Though I did have one thing to be completely amused – and here’s where it applies to writing (except for the fact I got ONE WHOLE SENTENCE written yesterday on a short story with a deadline of next week) – an bio I solicited from a Big Name Author for a FenCon Guest of Honor came in Perfect Standard Manuscript Format. Now how’s that for ingrained professionalism? I know I wouldn’t have gone that far, nor would most people, since for this type of thing it doesn’t matter HOW it comes in – as long as we get it before press time.

But that bio impressed me so much, it reminds me to try to make that a “take away”. No matter what, professionalism, even if it’s something where it doesn’t seem to matter. Because it gets notices. And frankly, I’m looking at that author with some new found amusement and respect. And now, it’s back to sucking it up and graciously accepting the “help” and quietly fixing the problems.

I made an all call on Facebook last night for “Good and Fluffy” news. If you have any for me… Or one or the other, I’m not picky. Shoot it my way. I need giggles.

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