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[Pen/Pencil Review] Padrino Styb Fountain Pen – Medium Point

Posted by reudaly on August 5, 2013 in Life |

I’m featuring another Padrino today. It’s another “Stubby”. It was an impulse buy at my birthday pilgrimage and it’s actually called The Styb. It was on the counter and the price was right – and it was green.
This is a compact fountain pen that has a vaguely transparent plastic cap. The barrel is green with a black slightly rubberized barrel. The barrel holds a standard, international ink cartridge. I put green ink in mine. That’s the writing sample. The pen has some chrome accents around the black grip area. The clip has the same black on the panel.
The Styb has a snap on cap, but posts fairly securely. It’s about 4.25” capped, and nearly 5” with the cap posted. The clip seems secure, I haven’t messed with it much. It’s light but pretty well balanced. It doesn’t have the weight that the other stubbies do, but it’s not uncomfortable. There are a few ridges that can dig in over long periods of time.
The nib is a narrow Medium Point stainless steel. It’s a solid nib with good ink flow. It’s good for beginners or experienced users to have an “everyday” fountain pen. It’s good on the go, easy to write with. Cosmetically it has one flaw, the black grippy parts ding. If you throw it in a backpack or purse for any length of time, it’s going to be chewed up. I know, because mine is dinged up. But it doesn’t leak ink and it’s actually not overly expensive.

The numbers:
1. How does it work?1 – For its size, it works really well. The nib is solid with good ink flow. It’s not hard to write with, there are some ridges but not seriously deep.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – There’s no room for any kind of cushioned grip. There’s a coating on the barrel – it dings up and hits on the thumb webbing. It’s short but moderately well-balanced.
3. Material0.5 – It’s plastic. Fairly solid plastic. I mention the grip dinging up. That’s a knock.
4. Overall Design1 – For what it is, it’s actually well designed. For something this short, it’s got a good grip diameter. The nib is a very functional stainless steel – not fancy but serviceable with a good line that’s on the fine side of medium.
5. Price Point1 – For a beginner or “every day” fountain pen – or one you travel with – this one is good. It’s just under $10. It’s refillable so you get your ten bucks worth. And if it’s lost or stolen, it’s not that big of a deal – especially since it’s a “specialty” brand.

I give it 4 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 4.0

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