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[Writer Post] Last Week’s Post – Today

Posted by reudaly on July 31, 2013 in Life, Writing |

So last week, I had a plan…it was derailed. So I’m picking it back up. It’s half plan, half minor rant – which lead to something I didn’t realize about myself (sort of). So it’s going to be different…

I’ve been thinking about what I want to do with this part of the blog. And I’m going to ask your opinions before going forward. It seems no matter where I go – convention, book show, the parking lot of Half-Price books – I have someone say something along the lines of “I want to write, but I have no idea how to even get started.” And then I spend an hour or so telling said writer how the process works (more or less) what worked for me, etc.

I think I have a wide range of people who glance at these things. And I know almost every writer and their dog writes “how to” stuff. BUT… for those of you still looking to break in or keep eyes on what other experiences are…would you even be interested in reading a series of blog posts on a “Writing for Publishing – 101” type thing? Some of it would be a rehash of some things I’ve already written about here, but in a more structured thing. Some of it would be new to the blog stuff, but what I talk to younger writers about at conventions and stuff.

So, what say you? Interested? Been done to death? Something else you’d like to see me write about?

Okay… now for the realization. I generally avoid labels when it comes to religion and politics. All the groups have extreme wingnuts that give the whole group black marks against the label. And there’s stuff I don’t agree with in just about every group. But… I have realized in the past couple of weeks that I am a feminist (very moderate, very basic). I believe people should be judged by their merits and earn accordingly. I don’t think women should be marginalized or treated with anything but the same respect as anyone else. And anyone who stands in the way of that makes me…annoyed, a little sick, a bit combative.

I thank GOD, I have a nearly 21 year-old niece who has a strong heart and work ethic, because if the 20-something girls are turning out like the one I work with? We’re all doomed. She – the co-worker – is constantly saying, “Who can I get to do ‘X’ for me?” I heard her say last week (prompting this) “I don’t want to work. Why can’t I find a rich dude.” I about threw up. And then I wanted to hit something. Because, come on, this ‘tude of “get a man to do it” – which is her default, she’s had the men in this office hopping – might’ve been “done” in 1813 or even 1913 – but in 2013 it’s so…I weep for the women who fought, struggled, and even died to give her the opportunity to go college, to get a decent White Collar job, and I guess also the right to think a “rich dude” will make her life all better. But seriously, I hope there are a lot more out there like my niece than my co-worker.

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