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[Spotlight Post] Red – The Movies

Posted by reudaly on July 26, 2013 in Spotlight |

Okay, so today is Spotlight Day. And, once more, not feeling it. It’s been a challenging week all around.

Tonight Jimmy and I are going to see Red 2. In preparation, we watched Red . I can’t wait to see the continuing adventures of…let’s face it, the Geezer Squad. Why? Helen Mirrin proves you can be competent, dangerous, and skilled while being elegant and classy. I totally want to be like that when I grow up (assuming, of course, I ever do grow up).
Red, like Expendables, shows that just because you’re older than what convention says is “prime”, you’re still not only relevant but important and effective. As much I have a total fangirl crush on Karl Urban, I get great joy watching Bruce Willis kick the crap out of him. The Cooper character is the unwitting “bad guy” that realizes all his preconceptions are wrong and has one of the big character changes. And it also shows just how much experience can matter.
I cannot wait to see what they do with the sequel. How crazy does Malkovich stay? How big a body count does Helen Mirrin have this time – oh, and by the way? The best move of Mirrin’s in the first movie? Changing the heels for the combat boots before shooting the crap out stuff. That’s one of the most real and believable bits in the whole thing. I cheered those combat boots. I never get Hollywood for making women do impossible things in impossible clothes and shoes.

So tonight, I head out to see the sequel for a fun and satisfying romp in the action film genre – much to the happiness of my husband. And then I hopefully get a chance to rest , regroup, and get all my blogs in a row before World Con hits.

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