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[Writer Post] Writing, Promoting, & Reality – A Rant

Posted by reudaly on July 24, 2013 in Writing |

So, I had this big plan for today’s blog to outline some things I’m thinking about doing with it – which I still plan to do – but then read a conversation on Facebook yesterday that was both good and head ‘splody. There are many things – especially in the initial premise and in the discussions – that I agree with and there some things that “damaged my calm”. You can read that the discussion here. I’m just going to add to it below.

First off, I have great respect for many of our Big Name Authors, especially those Of An Age. They blazed tremendous trails for those of us who’ve come up in their wakes. Without them, I wouldn’t be the writer I am today – nor would most of us. HOWEVER… I think there are a goodly number (not all by any means) that don’t realize that the way THEY did it isn’t the way it’s still done. And sometimes their advice does do a disservice to up and coming authors.

Not all of it. Not all of them. But just because the slush pile was wide open to new writers at “X” or “Y” SFWA recognized professional market, doesn’t mean it still is. The Big Three MAYBE pick one “new” (to them) writer A YEAR to put in their magazine. The Big Six New York Publishers? Yeah, good luck with that, too. Those doors are being shut tighter every year because of changes in publishing and budgetary cut backs.

To those authors who tell new (or less “prestigious”) authors to stop promoting their work on panels/conventions, or that promotion is the publisher’s job. It’s reality check time. That may work FOR YOU but for those of us with small press publishers or even first time contracts with big publishers? We’re expected to boost those sales at every opportunity. I’m even seeing some publishers asking writers to submitting a marketing plan with their manuscript.

To those authors who tell new writers to create samplers of their work to give away for free to drum up interest? Really? With what money and what time? The days of getting a big fat advance are long gone. In fact, it’s a lucky, lucky thing to get an advance at all any more. We’re all working one to two jobs so we can afford to write and promote our books. Are you willing to help a new writer finance his/her sampler so YOU don’t to have to listen to the author talk about his work? Didn’t think so.

Yes, there are new (and established) authors who take things too far. I’ve done it once or twice. This is also why we come to conventions – to learn how to do it better…theoretically from people with experience – like you. I have no problems telling newer writers what’s worked for me. I get that what worked for me might not work for someone else, but it’s based in professionalism. We need to be working together to help this industry survive, not showing other writers that it’s The Haves vs. The Have Nots.

I want someone to PROMISE me, promise, that if I start acting in a way that says, “I have mine. You’re out of luck.” Or “you’re beneath me because you’re only published in ‘blah’ publications” – or heaven forbid, come out with an attitude that New Writers Should Be Seen and Not Heard that I get the Clue by Four to the head. Because I never want to be that writer. Ain’t nobody got time for dat. (Yeah, I know I can’t pull that off…)

Okay, long rant over… for now.

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  • Well put, Rhonda.

    A few years ago, my band performed as guests at a major filk convention.

    After our concert, as the audience filed out, I stood outside the door of the performance hall with a box of CDs on the table behind me and several held up in my hand. One of the audience members, an amateur filker, looked at me and said, “Wow, real classy.”

    I said, “When you pay your bills with music, you’ll have room to criticize what I do to make that happen. Until then, go enjoy your day job.”

    People gonna be hatin’ the playas . . .

  • reudaly says:

    Thanks. Which reminds me I need to make sure I pick up a new CD at FenCon.

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