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[Writer Post] Wednesday’s are for Nattering

Posted by reudaly on July 17, 2013 in Life, Writing |

It’s a Writer Wednesday, and so many people I know are heading off to San Diego Comic Con. I hope everyone has a fun and safe time. If you’re a fan, please spend your time and money with the authors and artists out there. I know the collectibles are awesome and having the chance to see your favorite actors on a panel is important, but also realize this is how a lot of creators of those things you love make most of their living – and San Diego is, I feel safe saying, the most expensive show for these creators to attend. Help them turn a profit and know that you appreciate all their hard work.

I’m once more in time management … heck… I just started a new project, so of course, I now have to break from that in order to do some paying gig topics. But hey, this is a project I’ve been procrastinating on – and the fact I’ve got it started makes me very happy. The other fact that it’s shaping up to be the super silly pun fest that it needs to be? Even better. Thank you to those who helped come up with fantastic names for the characters. I’ll let you know how it all turns out. 😎

And yes, if this seems oddly out of touch with what’s going on in the world? Yes. I’m keeping this (at least today) political free. There’s a lot going on in this ever changing world. I have opinions on it, but so does everyone else. It’s being hashed out in other venues. And I admit to having OPINIONS. I don’t have all the facts or the legal background to do in-depth analysis of who’s right or wrong. And even though the system does seem to be somewhat broken, it’s the system we have and I have to respect it.

But if you want one legal opinion? I think the decision on Apple price-fixing ebooks was an error. And not because I think Apple can do no wrong. I think whatever worked to come to this decision needs to be applied to Amazon as well. They’ve lobbied hard to come across as the “victim” here, when they’re not – they’re the schoolyard bully. If Apple colluded in price fixing – which they may or may not have, I’m not completely convinced – it was in the favor of authors and publishers and not Amazon. And I will support a pricing system that is more likely to result in getting paid closer to a fair rate for my work. This is another massively flawed system, but it’s the one we have.

Feel free to argue with me – just keep it civil and respectful. You can tell me how wrong I am – as long as it’s respectful and logically argued and not vitriolic name calling.

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