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[Pen/Pencil Review] The SolidLine Detachable iPad Keyboard/Case

Posted by reudaly on July 8, 2013 in Review, Writing, writing instruments |

This week’s pen/pencil review isn’t exactly a writing instrument – though it’s a tool for writing. So it…sort of…applies. I’m reviewing the SolidLine Bluetooth keyboard for the full size iPad. First off, let me say that I really should pretty much defer to Jimmy’s recommendations when it comes to electronics. Most of the time he’s right. Like this time.
Actually, this keyboard is a recommendation of a recommendation. Jimmy came in contact with the SolidLine keyboard at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live show in Kansas City, our friend Allen Williams (fantastic artist, go check out his work and support Pacific Rim – he did concept art for the monsters) had one on his iPad. What caught his attention – and subsequently mine – is the fact that it is a case with a detachable keyboard.
Yes, but putting the iPad and keyboard together, it’s kinda like having a really expensive netbook. But it’s NOT. The reason I was never able to make netbooks work wasn’t necessarily the size of the keys but feeling SCRUNCHED trying to type and read the screen. This way I can either keep the keyboard attached to the case or set the iPad farther out and type on the keyboard. It’s really cool that way.
With the keyboard attached – via magnets – to the case, the keyboard does then act as a Smart Case – turning of the iPad screen. The material is textured rubber – kinda like tactical grips but a little softer. It has an elastic band to secure the case. And the iPad has a snap in case that only connects at the corners for relatively easy removal. The only real drawback is that you can’t rotate the iPad. When you’re using the case/keyboard, it’s landscape only. You can easily fold the case to allow for fairly comfortable portrait reading without removing the keyboard.

IMG_1782The other drawback? It’s not easily available in stores. You have to order online from the website or find one of the few places that carries it – in DFW they think it’s a store in the airport. But they do have a full 30 day money back guarantee, which I haven’t had to use.

The numbers.
1. How does it work?1 It’s works well. The keyboard is super light but still has a good feel. The Bluetooth connection holds well. The magnets make it secure well without fear of hurting your iPad.
2. Grip and feel1 – It’s very utilitarian. With the case texture, it’s a non-slip surface. It’s not sliding off a table. The keyboard does what it’s supposed to. The keys have a satisfying feel and click to them.
3. Material0.5 Okay, so it’s not “pretty”. It’s meant to work. It’s rubber and plastic. And there are no choices in design. Take it or leave it.
4. Overall Design0.5 – It is actually what I wanted. The keyboard detaches easily. It feels better than it probably should. Why am I knocking off a half point? Because when you fold it back to read in portrait? You can get completely confused by how to put it back together. I still fumble with it. The stops to let you sit the screen up when the key board attaches does sometimes slip until you get it balanced right. And to be completely perfect it would have the ability to rotate.
5. Price Point1 – These run $99 online. Yes, you can buy cheaper, but you can also get a lot more expensive ones as well. These are running market price for this type of case and keyboard combo. It’s worth the price and with the guarantee, if you don’t like it, return it. They do seem like easy to work with folks.

4 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 4.0

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