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[Writing Post] Rayguns Over Texas and Other Stories

Posted by reudaly on April 3, 2013 in Books, Conventions, Life, Writing |

It’s a writer post day! Woo! The fact is that I have been writing. Woo! I need one more read through of a short story before sending it off to the FenCon Program Book. I am pleased how it turned out – considering it was hugely choppy and written in fits and spurts there for a while, it didn’t (according to two different first readers) completely suck. YAY! And one of them does the whole hard science science fiction thing. The other does none at all – and both though the story was cute. YAY!

This morning Rick Klaw posted the final TOC (table of contents) for Rayguns Over Texas. This is going to be an amazing project. My story is tucked down in the middle but it’s right after Brad Denton, so I’m hoping they stick around for mine after his. Kinda like being on after Big Bang Theory… PLEASE don’t change the channel!! 😎 I am really excited to be part of this project, and very honored to be included. This comes out at the end of August at LoneStarCon 3 – aka World Con. Get your copy there!

Actually both of these stories are honors for me – they’re original pieces for both (not reprints). I do donate work to the FenCon program book because 1) they only ask me every 9-10 years; and 2) it’s a chance – like Rayguns – to share a TOC with some amazing writers and artists. Consider that when a convention asks you to “give” them a piece. This is one of those times when it’s okay to say “yes” because there is a limited run of them – there’s only going to be about 1000. It gives the people who may or may not be there to see YOU something else to have signed (and you something else to read if necessary). And this year? I’ll be sharing space with Larry Niven, Amber Benson, Charles Vess and Geoffrey Landis… an AMAZING cast of characters…and those are just a tip of the GOH iceberg.

Now… I need to not be sitting on any laurels. There are many things to write and limited time. I’m starting my two month marathon of 7 day weeks of constant work – both “day jobs”, vending out at Scarborough Renaissance Festival (come check that out too), and writing. I’ll be a gibbering idiot in just a couple of weeks – which should make these posts FUN… 😎

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