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[Writer Post] When Publishers and Retailers Fight

Posted by reudaly on March 27, 2013 in Books, Writing |

Today’s blog… let’s see what do we want to talk about today…

Early in the week there was a minor kerfuffle between Simon & Schuster and Barnes & Noble. And as with all issues where Mom and Dad fight – the kids get caught in the middle, which in this case would be the authors.

It’s a money thing. Barnes and Noble wants Simon & Schuster to pony up more for premium shelf space to help defray sale losses to ebooks. Simon & Schuster doesn’t think they should have to. The result? Less Simon & Schuster books on the shelf. Call it a business move or a tantrum or extortion – it’s kinda all the same thing. “You don’t do what we want, we stop carrying you.” Yawn. Nothing to see here.

Except… there is. What happens here isn’t just that the order from Simon & Schuster is cut across the board…oh, no sir. Barnes & Noble will still carry all the “Celeb du Jour” books and some major name authors. But everyone on the “New” list and the “Mid” list? Yeah, we’re screwed. Barnes & Noble isn’t stocking anything that isn’t a “sure thing” – and even then not much. They’re even cutting back on display space and book tour appearances.

What does this mean? Oh, for the retailer and publisher – it’s a lover’s spat. Maybe the open salvo of a custody battle. For the authors? Well, we’re good and truly screwed if we’re not a Major Name or a “Celeb du Jour”. Why? Because of no fault of our own, we’re not being shelved in the ONE LAST REMAINING major chain – which means no sales – which means no Book Scan Numbers (which is a whole other post) – which means no further contracts because the numbers suck.

I feel so sorry for the hot new Debut Author (whoever he or she may be this month) who will have a promising career kinda hosed by the corporate games being played. That author lived up to his or her contract but is going to get caught up in the middle of this “Mine is Bigger” pissing match between publisher and retailer. Think this is new? Oh, heck no. This happens all the time. Publishers and retailers get into fights over marketshare and profit margins. The authors are the ones who lose because – and this is what needs to change in that magical place of “Someday” – authors are considered a disposable commodity.

I know it sounds bleak, but none of us do this for the fame and money (not that any of us would say “NO” to fame and money). So if you care about authors at all and the books we write – buy them, order them (through the publishers directly if it’s small press – and major retailers over Amazon – we earn more that way – if at all possible), review them, and TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Recommend books to strangers in the store – I know I do. We all have to help each other in order to survive the ever-changing publishing tides. And we will survive, because we all have stories left to tell and people who want to read them.

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