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[Writer Post] Conventions – Care and Feeding of Regional Guests

Posted by reudaly on February 20, 2013 in Conventions, Writing |

Every so often I want to do a “care and feeding of” type post for convention organizers as well as writers. There’s a lot of weird little things that go on when planning a convention that writers don’t know about and writers do feel like they can/should tell organizers. But now that I’m on both sides of the aisle (so to speak), I’m going to try to point a few things out to both sides – generally in terms of REGIONAL/LOCAL Guests.

When conventions start, they’ll take anyone who’ll take a chance on them – usually that’s regional small press authors/artists (or local Big Names who don’t have to travel) who are grateful for a new venue. These are the author/artists who give your convention a good (or bad – depending on the experience) name in the community at large. These are the panelists that support your convention during Lean Years.
I’ve mentioned the “Panelist Lifecycle” before :
NEW GUEST – no one knows you. You get crap panels and times.
ESTABLISHED GUEST – People know you. You do a good job. You get worked TO DEATH.
LONG-TERM GUEST – Everyone knows you and you always show up, do the work, and Gee, Let’s Give You A Break – you end up with crap panels and times.

I don’t know how this third thing came to be, but let’s just nip that in the bud, can we? The regional guests that support you and your convention (sometimes since it’s very first year) aren’t hot house flowers who will suddenly wilt. We’re there to do a job, and we want all the opportunity we can to do that job – just as we have in the years past. We don’t need a break (unless we’re sick or something). We generally shell out a hefty amount in hotel room nights and travel expenses to come WORK FOR YOU – let us do the work. Because you know what? No matter if you’re across the country or across the street – if I have only a couple of panels during a weekend at a convention I’ve supported for years? It’s no longer economically feasible for me to do your convention. Most of the regional guests don’t make much as writers – we can’t necessarily afford to come “play”.

I also understand staff changes –THIS IS A GOOD THING! New blood keeps a convention fresh and lively. HOWEVER, if you have a roster of people who’ve earned respect and have supported you – give that information to your new people. A new programming person will look at a small press author and probably not have a clue who they are – and put them in the “new guest” category regardless of the experience of said author in performing in your convention. And if you have “problem child” guests, let them know that, too – it’ll save a lot of time and irritation down the road.

Because honestly? I know where I stand in the Publishing Food Chain. There are certain Big Name Authors who don’t consider me a “professional” writer because I’m not SFWA qualified – and that’s a whole other kettle of rant – but that doesn’t mean I’m not a WORKING writer. That I don’t have experience to share or a following – and blowing off someone at my level? One who could break out and BE the next Big Name Author? Yeah, think about that…

And to be fair… I’m not going to bad mouth any convention in public either. I might have some opinions or concerns about it that I will share when asked, but I’m not going to trash you. Why? Because I need YOU, no matter what convention you might be running down the road. We’re a symbiotic relationship. We need each other to stay vibrant and alive. How do you think I got my following and my experience?

We don’t ask for much as Regionals. A badge, some panels, and a little respect. That’s pretty much it, and we’ll promote you to the ends of the earth. Just remember the last word…respect. You have to give it to get it – on both sides of the relationship.

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