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[Pen/Pencil Review] The NOT A Review Pen Post

Posted by reudaly on February 18, 2013 in Contest, Review, writing instruments |

Okay, so I’m not doing a review today. I’ve been hit by a truck called ConDFW. This was my second convention/show in two weeks. I’m close to useless today.

However, I discovered some fun stuff this weekend. This pen blog does have some legs – thank you all. Mom was right – Paradise Pen Company on the Galleria Mall in Dallas, does indeed know me by name and on sight (well, the management does) even though I only really go in once a year (the Annual Birthday Pilgrimage) and see them at the Dallas Pen Show. I picked up some new pieces this year (it’ll be a long time before I can ever afford anything that’s not on the Clearance Rack or of a couple of the lower end lines). I did get the fountain pen insert for my Sherpa so I can make that happen. YAY!
I did give the Pentel Mini Brush Pen away at ConDFW. Bev Hale “mugged” me for it five minutes after I walked into the convention. I’m going to get her to do a guest review of it if possible. Don’t forget, Bev!

Twice in the past two weeks I’ve had someone come up to me and either ask me where they might be able to get a pen fixed or replaced. It was a Rotring – I sent them to Paradise Pen Company. Or someone say, “I found this cool pen. My first thought was to tell Rhonda about it.” I am amused and humbled. It means I have to learn more.

And, because I was just at ConDFW, I will be USING my pens a lot more because I’m totally jazzed to get the writing back on track. The holidays can really derail me – as does convention withdrawal. So, buckle up boys and girls, it’s about to get busy.

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