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[Spotlight Post] The Agatha H. Girl Genius Novels

Posted by reudaly on February 8, 2013 in Books, Spotlight, What I'm Reading |

It’s Friday Spotlight Day… It’s been yet another crazy week. BUT… tomorrow is Sci Fi Expo. We’ve been busy the last couple of weeks getting ready for back-to-back shows – as well as having friends on town, family stuff, car stuff, and other stuff.. .you know, the same-old-same-old.
I’ve just finished reading Phil and Kaja Foglio’s Agatha H & the Clockwork Princess – and yes, I realize it’s Steampunk. It’s the little bit of Steampunk I actually GET. Between sinus meds and just tiredness, it’s taken me longer to get through it than it SHOULD have because the drowsy factor kicks in even though I would’ve loved to have read “Just one more chapter”. And boy, did they leave it at a good cliff hanger. I think when the next installment comes out (and there had better be one) I’ll have to get the ebook version when Jimmy gets the hard back so I can continue the saga on the iPad. And hopefully not take as long to read it.

Yes, I was able to get the iPad-if you didn’t see it on Facebook – for my birthday early (we’re going to use the Square Register at Sci Fi Expo this weekend so I no longer have to do math). And as both an entertainment and work tool.
But…back to the book. The Girl Genius books aren’t something I would’ve picked up on my own. I don’t read the web comic – frankly except for my comic strips (now in convenient internet browser form) I don’t really do comics. I’ve tried occasionally – I’m more a prose girl. But Jimmy does. And he started with the novelizations. I like the novelizations. It’s been long enough between the first and this one, that I’d forgotten that I do enjoy them.

There really needs to be more novelizations. And if the Foglios are too busy with the graphic novels and web comics…I’m always up for adoption. 😎

Seriously… if you haven’t read them, check them out. I’m not into Steampunk. I’m not into the web comic and it doesn’t matter. They have the background well done so you can come in cold. The storytelling is compelling. It’s an all around good thing.

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