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[Spotlight Post] Thanksgiving 2012 Edition

Posted by reudaly on November 23, 2012 in Family, Life, Spotlight |

I’m cheating on this week’s Spotlight post. Since it’s the day after Thanksgiving and my Wednesday post was a rant, I’m going to spotlight what I’m thankful for this year – and well, all the time.

First of all, I’m thankful for a supportive family who has suck by me in my employment challenges of the last few years. Jimmy is the best husband a girl could ever hope for. Though it couldn’t be easy trying to make everything work out – he still supported me and my writing while I looked for a responsible adult job. And not a single family member ever suggested I look into retail or fast food while I was struggling – thank you all so much for that.

I’m thankful to all of my artistic/creative friends who’ve let me do ambush spotlight posts on them – and if I haven’t gotten to you yet. Hang on. You’re on the list, I’m sure. Not that anyone ever is upset that I say nice things about them on my blog, seeing unexpected internet traffic can be a bit disconcerting sometimes. But mostly I’m thankful to have such wonderfully talented people in my life that inspire and encourage me (sometimes through tough love) – not to mention have taught me so much in how to do this crazy dance of mixing artistic and business. There’s so much more to learn!!!

I’m thankful to all of you who either read this blog, follow me on social media, come say hi to me at conventions – or all of the above. If it weren’t for your support, none of the work – the struggle – or the self imposed deadlines would be at all worth it. Without you guys, I don’t know where I’d be or what I’d be doing, but it probably wouldn’t be pretty. You all push me to create more (and hopefully, better) stuff all the time, whether you’re a writing partner or a reader, you make me want to be a better and more prolific writer (and I’d say person, but I’m not sure how someone would be a more prolific person…unless you’re Octomom or something, and EWWWW).

So thank you. Thank you all. You mean the world to me, and this week, I spotlight you!

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