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[Writer Post] A Deep Breath Week

Posted by reudaly on November 14, 2012 in Life, Writing |

IT’s Wednesday. That means blog post day It’s also the week before Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for – one of those being that nothing has blown up in publishing this week. We’re all moving along at a recovery pace.

NYC publishers are still recovering from Hurricane Sandy. Many are recovering from the Random Penguin House news. There are no major scams, scandals, or other issues that OMG!!!! END OF PUBLISHING AS WE KNOW IT.

Which means a drama-free week. HUZZAH. It’s also been a fairly drama free week for e as well. In fact I’m really getting back into the “responsible adult”-slash-“writer mode. Though I do still need to resubmit a story pretty quickly, it came back on Sunday but I haven’t had the heart to find a new possible home for it yet. Part of it was my personal recovery from having 27 people in my house on Saturday – but hosting our fan group is something I do look forward to doing.

Fiction has been committed this week. Now that I’ve turned in a short story, I finally just hunkered down and bulled my way through the collaboration chapter I needed to do for Mark Finn. That weird POV took some…adjustment. Now I’m back to looking at my novel, and I’ve started a new short story.

It is a challenge when there’s new mindsets at a new job site and stuff you want to do to get all the gears meshed and moving. But it comes together, like good plans. So, now… off to do the responsible adult stuff while also working on the other stuff. It’s all good. And this time next week? Figuring out where to put a “kids table” in our house because it will be full of family.

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