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[Writer Post] Election Aftermath

Posted by reudaly on November 7, 2012 in Life, Writing |

It’s Wednesday. That should mean a writer post – and in a way it is. The things that occur in the outside world affect the writing world. My thought s are still with my friends and colleagues on the East Coast who are about to be hit with more weather as they’re still dealing with the hurricane damage. Stay warm and dry, my friends.

As for the political climate… let the aftermath begin. I have a large percentage that is probably happy today. I have a large percentage that is not. But the votes in our weird and convoluted system are being tallied. Projections and results are in — I did like the fact there were many states that could NOT have their states called based on Exit Poll information and did indeed have to have their votes COUNTED before a winner was called.

The hue and cry over Popular Vote vs. Electoral College is, I am sure, going in full force on social media – haven’t been on since a winner was projected last night. Because yes, it is a messed up and antiquated system. We’ll see if anything changes but the complaining.

That said, there is one thing I do wish we could hold our politicians – in a gross generalization – to, and that is the line in EVERY speech last night (both winning and concession) – the cry to “Work Together” to “Come Together”. I have yet to see that in my adult life. I would like to see it now – politicians working together to do good for this country and not just either try to block those who oppose them or bully their pet plans/projects/etc through.

It’s a pipe dream, but hey…that’s why I’m a fiction writer. To let the impossible happen on paper if nowhere else. Now, it’s off to do writing and hope the next four years are, indeed, better than the last four. That calmer heads lead, and teamwork does indeed happen. But I cast my vote, so I have the right to voice my opinion on the events if I choose. But I prefer to keep a lot of this to myself – I don’t like feeding the trolls.

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