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[Spotlight Post] Joe R. Lansdale

Posted by reudaly on November 2, 2012 in Spotlight |

My spotlight is a little late today, but it’s still Friday, so I’m going to count it. It’s been a week of distractions, families, and dogs needing attention. But it’s time for a spotlight…and by golly…it’s going to get done.

I was given a heads up on a review for Fresh Blood Old Bones. It said some nice things about my story in the same paragraph as saying nicer things about Joe Lansdale. And it reminded me that I wouldn’t be in this anthology, and probably wouldn’t be quite the writer that I am now if it weren’t for Joe Lansdale.


There’s a reason Lansdale a Grand Master. Not only is he an excellent writer – as witnessed by the fact he’s a freakin’ GRAND MASTER in the horror genre. He honestly cares about his readers and younger writers. I’ve been very fortunate to know and work with him and his family at various conventions over the years – and now this anthology.

If you’re a reader and like to read freaky weird stuff… Joe Lansdale is your guy. I started reading Lansdale with The Drive In books. They seriously messed with my head. And I went back for more. The Bottoms (which has won tons of awards) was amazing – I would’ve never thought to blend the emotion and quality of To Kill a Mockingbird with the freakiness of Stephen King. Joe Lansdale did that.


Bubba Ho Tep is one of the best vehicles for Bruce Campbell bar none (except Sam Axe in Burn Notice). I would’ve never gone there with Elvis or JFK – but then, I’m not Lansdale. My brain may go in weird directions – but not like his. And the Hap and Leonard series is unlike anything I’ve ever read.

Now, Joe Lansdale isn’t for the faint of heart. He pulls no punches, spares no sensibilities. But that’s also Joe. He is a straight shooter.

If you’re a writer. Read his Facebook and Twitter feeds. He’s been giving writing advice and talking about his process. You’ll learn a lot by listening to him and reading the feed. He may be a grand master, but he’s not resting on any laurels. He’s in the thick of the fray for figuring out electronic avenues. He’s always working, selling, and challenging other writers to keep up. I’m proud to be one of them.

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