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[Pen/Pencil Review] Another Novelty Pen – A Koosh Hair Green Skull Ballpoint Pen with Blue Ink

Posted by reudaly on October 15, 2012 in Review, writing instruments |

This weekend was our ORAC meeting. This is a fangroup Jimmy and I belong to that FenCon gets its core group of staff. And they’re all around good people, so that’s the added bonus. Anyway, this month’s meeting was (sigh) 5 minutes from where I now work. On the way back, I needed to stop at a vitamin shop that’s in our local big outlet mall. We went in the wrong door and walked straight into BAM! (Books A Million), and I impulsively bought skull related pens…and other stuff.

So we’re doing more with the novelty pens before Halloween is over. This one is a blue ball point with a nice fine point (at least finer than what most typical pens have). This one feels like a 0.7mm to me, but it might be a 1.0, but I really don’t think so. There was no real ink gooping in the sample. The action was smooth.

Then the pen gets odd. It’s green based (because that’s how I roll). The pen body widens at the bottom for a somewhat ergonomic grip. But it top decoration overbalances it. It’s got a screw base like a light bulb (but it doesn’t come off or light up) with a gray skull on that base with a head of Koosh Ball hair. It’s about 8.5″ long with the hair, which makes it long enough to over balance. I would’ve loved it more if the skull were more a stress ball than the hard plastic it really is. But I still had to have it. And yes, I’m taking it to work. The girl I replaced had Hello Kitty stuff. I have…this.

Now to the numbers:

1. How does it work?0.5 It’s decent. For the length and price point, it works pretty well. It’s a ballpoint. It’s a cheap ballpoint. And it is what it is.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s an inexpensive, plastic. It tries to have an ergonomic grip where it widens out. Because it’s longer than normal, it can overbalance and probably fatigue some for long use..
3. Material1 For an inexpensive plastic pen, it’s solidly built. The skull end is just way the heck too cool for words.
4. Overall Design1 -I’m giving it a high mark because it made me buy it no matter what. It’s fun novelty pen. That makes me think it’s got a pretty good overall design.
5. Price Point.0.5 – It was more expensive than my other novelty pens (probably for the design). It was $4. For a pen that doesn’t light up? That’s kinda expensive. But it’s got squishy hair to play with, so it’s not a complete wash.

3.5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils

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