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[Pen/Pencil Review] Dallas Pen Show Preview

Posted by reudaly on September 17, 2012 in Review, writing instruments |

I apologize in advance for this week’s set of blog posts – and probably next week’s. This is FenCon week and I’m up to my freshly waxed eyebrows in staff duties, last minute details, and getting stuff done. It’s a week of time management, panic-mode, and primal screams. Next week will be recovery, starting a new Day Job, and more primal screams.

So this isn’t a real “review” of a pen, it’s a note that says I’m bailing out of FenCon for a couple of hours early on Friday morning (and taking a vendor with me) and heading out the Dallas Pen Show. This is going to be my second time going, so I’ll be less “backwoods fan hick” and more laid back, because now I know what to expect.

I’ll hopefully be able to pick up a few goodies here and there to stock pile for some reviews down the road. I mean last year there was a room of vintage stuff and repair people working on stuff, and a WHOLE other room of people selling PENS and pencils…and wow. With Pen World Magazine in the middle. They’re sponsoring again this year, which is good, I need to renew our subscription.

The Dallas Pen Show is something I’m now looking forward to every year –next year, Jimmy and I BOTH get to go for more than two hours due to a scheduling shift in FenCon. But even if it’s only a couple of hours, I have a brief visit to pen heaven.

If you’ve never been to a pen show and have access to one, it’s a good time to see things you only see on line or in print–including the nice, high end, couldn’t afford in a million years stuff. But like car shows and stuff, there’s a certain awesomeness to see them “live” and not just in pictures. And the Dallas Pen community does do a good job in setting up their annual pen show.

They even send out coupons for their $5 event, letting you get in for $4. SUCH A DEAL! Even for just a couple of hours. So, if you’re early for FenCon and love pens, come on down the street and check out the Dallas Pen Show. It’s time well spent.

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