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[Writer Post] Weird Wednesday

Posted by reudaly on August 22, 2012 in Writing |

This is another weird Wednesday post. I’m deep in the throes of FenCon Prep (because I’m on staff). I have another event in East Texas on September 8th (which I have all my books packed for, because we were pulling FenCon stuff). There are 3, count ’em THREE family birthdays in the next two weeks. So… yeah…I’m getting what I have to done and not much else.

But you know what is scaring me the most? The fact that I’ve just put some of the final touches on a Christmas play that my church is going to put on in December. There’s a music meeting in a week and rehearsals start in about three weeks. Larry Launders and I came up with the idea last Christmas after we basically put on the same show with different character names/time lines 3 years in a row (they were from a book).

This play is really different. So far it’s going over well, but you never know until it’s staged. So, if you’re in the Arlington, TX area the Sunday before Christmas, come check out a very different kind of Christmas program…

HOWEVER, I do have to show this off.

Last weekend Jimmy and I helped move my niece, Suzanne, back into her college dorm room–she’s an RA this year. Since her alma mater is halfway to Oklahoma, we stopped at A Real Bookstore on the way home (because that’s the only time A Real Bookstore is on the way to ANYWHERE for us), and I found THIS. It will be my “icon” picture for anything truly horrendous — my own writing, other things I’m forced to read, bad publishing situations, or a truly HORRID pen/pencil. It’s FANTASTIC.

It’s also appropriate for this week’s Weird Tales debacle. I appreciate all the hard work Ann VanderMeer did there as editor and editor-in-chief. The new regime is going to kill a great magazine. I have no doubt that Ann will land on her feet. She strikes me as quite cat-like in that regard. She’s also has the support of our industry behind her. And above all, she’s an all-around good person. I wish her all the best wherever she lands. I look forward to the day she edits me.

It also works for the talent we’ve lost this week. William Windom, classic actor; Phyliis Diller, classic comedienne and lady; and Director Tony Scott all left this world late last week, early this week. And a writer friend/colleague of mine had a stroke on Monday. This crap has GOT to stop.

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