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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Iwako Elephant Novelty Eraser from

Posted by reudaly on July 16, 2012 in Review, writing instruments |

I love when has a sample giveaway for reviewers. I sign up every single time (and not just because I like being sent stuff for free–though BONUS!) because I always seem to get something I would never, ever buy on my own and either find what I get amusing (the pink gel pen) or really useful (the highlighter). This time they sent me something in a new category… “Too Cute for Words”. This is the “squee” post.

In this round, they sent me an IWAKO Eraser from the Zoo collection. It was a 2-piece elephant (the trunk made it “some assembly required”. This adorable little guy stand 1.25″ tall at the ears and is about .75″ wide. He can be posed. The head and trunk rotate. It’s made of a nice, soft rubber that actually does work as a decent eraser.

As an eraser–if you can actually bring yourself to use this too-cute eraser for its actual purpose– is okay. There’s eraser bits that are left behind, but typical of most erasers that aren’t kneadable. It does erase pretty cleanly, but not altogether obliterates pencil markings.

This little guy is reasonably priced for just him (he can be bought individually), or you can purchase a whole Zoo set. And for a novelty eraser, he’s reasonably priced. I would totally consider getting a set for my nieces for Christmas or a special back to school treat — but when they’re a little older. These do have small working parts, and though probably not toxic, there’s a eating/choking hazard to take into consideration.

The numbers:

1. How does it work?1 – It’s decent. There is some shadowing and residual evidence that something was there, but it’s on par with most erasers I’ve worked with in the past.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – I am taking this down a notch, just because it’s a novelty and tiny. Being “not-geometrically-shaped” means you have to work a bit to get a good eraser surface. And being as little as it is…if you have adult fingers? The fingers get in the way.
3. Material1 It’s a soft but solid rubber eraser. It doesn’t crumble when used like some old-fashioned gum erasers, and it’s not so solid that it rips or wrinkles paper. It’s that good, modern middle ground.
4. Overall Design0.5 -For what it is, a NOVELTY, it’s the most awesome thing ever. But for actual functionality, there are some issues. And being too darned cute makes it an eye-pleasing design but not a “use me now!” design, and with the trunk being detachable and a swivel head that can probably pop off, there’s a choking hazard.
5. Price Point1 – It’s actually not a bad price point. 99¢ for little guy on his own, $5.75 for the 6 piece set. If you’re looking for functional back-to-school, it may be a bit much, but for a holiday gift/stocking stuffer, this is a no-brainer.

I give it 4 out of 5 Bronze Pencils…and a great big “AWWWWWW”.

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