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[Writer Blog] Part 2 – ApolloCon 2012

Posted by reudaly on June 27, 2012 in Writing |

Now… On to ApolloCon…it was this past weekend. Many of us were doing back-to-back conventions from differing parts of the country, but I think we managed to keep our energy up and going. Actually not paying for it as much this week as I did after SoonerCon, but am glad for a convention break until ArmadilloCon (that’s not to say that my calendar is not completely full UNTIL ArmadilloCon).

Me, Tanya Huff, Ruth Cruise, and John Moore

Every convention has its ups and downs. The downs of this one were some communications issues–the website was idle for many months, programming was delayed, etc. Their big shock–which no one can anticipate–was the loss of their Fan Guest of Honor only 6 days before the convention, which didn’t help with the programming delay.

Rosemary Clement-Moore and A Lee Martinez

HOWEVER… as with many conventions, they did put on a decent show. I had good panel topics with great panel participants. Was sorry to NOT have as many panel with Rosemary Clement-Moore as the schedule said — but for good reason. She was supporting/riding with a fellow author whose mother took ill and needed to leave quickly (it happens, and we’re all glad she’s doing okay). In fact, one of the best attended and participatory panels I was on was Saturday, 10 am, the “What’s the Plural of Apocalypse” panel. We also decided some game designer can follow up Plants vs. Zombies with Fungus vs. Insects, but not us, we’re all squicked out by roaches.

Not the greatest picture, but… Dr. Stanley Love, Al Jackson, Paul Abell, and Todd Caldwell

Yard Dog
was officially there. Books were sold–could we have done better? Sure, but for the fact attendance was down from the last couple of years, we didn’t do so bad. And when I went to my signing, for about 10 minutes I was able to sit next to (once more) the very cute NASA Astronaut, Stanley Love, PhD. Can I tell you that I dig the fact that this very personable, very cute astronaut is named DR. LOVE? I probably said that last year, too. Still applies.

Best door stop EVER…at the Spokane 2015 WorldCon bid party

I’m also kinda like the opposite of the old Life Cereal commercials. Tim and Lorretta Morgan needed a “prop” redhead for their masquerade skit. They said, “Let’s get Rhonda, she’ll do it!” And I did. I was “the other woman”. It worked Lorretta’s idea and costuming won “Best in Show”. And thanks to Yard Dog’s traveling road show, I’m a complete ham.

Tim and Lorretta Morgan – their costumes and their “prop”.

But the coolest part? I met a kindred spirit in the Guest of Honor, Tanya Huff. She talks at the same rate of speed as I do. I think we made John Moore glaze over a couple of times when he was caught in the middle of the verbal barrage. Seriously, though? She’s awesome – both as a person and a writer. I love the Confederation of Valor books, and I’m looking forward to reading Enchantment Emporium.

Tanya Huff signs books for Ruth Cruise

But now, it’s time to get back to the mundane. The actual WORK of the writing, because I have a butt kicking coming, I think. Reality doesn’t come creeping on little kitteh feet. It hits you upside the head with wrecking ball force, and it’s time to face it.

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1 Comment

  • ScottZ says:

    Great to see the two of you again, and I’ll see you again soon. Looking forward to ArmadilloCon where I’m just dealing with a simple ole Art Show.

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