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[Writer Post] SoonerCon 2012 – More Fun than a Pie in the Face

Posted by reudaly on June 20, 2012 in Conventions, Writing |

This Wednesday I’m smack dab between two conventions. I’ve just added two more appearances to my calendar, and hope they go well–both are outside the SF Convention “comfort zone”, but that’s the point of going to them. In early September, I’ll be at The East Texas Book Fest. I’ve paid for a small press table at SciFi Expo’s Fan Days (the October version of Dallas Comic Con).

But until then SoonerCon is in the bag. ApolloCon looms. There’s something to be said about having back-to-back conventions–it does keep you on your toes, but it’s also exhausting. And, it’s part of the job.

After a shaky transition year into a new hotel, SoonerCon is once more up and running. Though Poor SoonerCon, the year they decide to move off the College Softball World Series, the OKC pro basketball team turns out to be GOOD and go to the NBA Finals which throws downtown OKC into more havoc than their multi-year construction project would cause. But they handled it well.

And I handled it better than I did last year. We were aware of the construction, the travel chaos that could ensue and prepared–which meant a lot of it was smooth sailing. I was much calmer and ready to deal with problems that didn’t come about. The convention seemed well attended. Audiences showed up to panels, and I don’t think I was the only one randomly throwing money about the dealer’s room.

I had plenty of programming. Helped out at the Yard Dog table when I could, and hope I was a help rather than a hinder. And somehow…SOMEHOW came home with THREE hats. One a baseball style DR WHO hat (Past/Present Companion) that went over well on my BBC panel. A skull and crossbones deerstalker (or Death Stalker) for grins. It was part of my friend, Julie Barrett‘s art show offerings…and Zoe needed it. She may have a Sherlock addiction in the next story… And a gift from a fan who’s name I’ve never learned… the hand knitted (or crocheted–not sure which) most awesome R2D2 hat (to go with the commissioned R2D2 earrings). The R2D2 accessories will become a marketing tool… And to that fan guy… THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!

But people were met. Books were sold. Networking/connecting with creative partners occurred. Which is the business part of this convention going. If you don’t think being on a panel about making weapons out of office supplies doesn’t help garner you new readers…you’re wrong. Fans who get to shoot exploding spit wads at little plastic (zombified) army men remember the people who taught/let them do that. Fondly. They show that appreciation by buying books, art, and stuff.

SoonerCon also has the BEST. Fundraiser. Ever. For their charity. They auction off whipped cream pies to the face for their ConChair and “ConFather”. I was in a consortium that won the bid on Jerry Wall, conchair, and since “group pieing” is illegal in 18 states (kidding), I was the designated “pie-er”. There is something cathartic, amazing, and downright giggly about smashing pie in someone’s face (now I know why it’s such a part of the physical humor repertoire).

I can’t wait to see what they do with next year. It’s completely possible to have so much fun that you are beyond exhausted and still be professional and do the job. SoonerCon is proof positive of that. Now, on to ApolloCon.

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