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[Writer Post] Return of Gelatin Brain

Posted by reudaly on May 16, 2012 in Life, Writing |

It’s Wednesday. It’s time for a blog post, and for this week, anyway, this is the only post that isn’t already planned/written. I have no idea what I want to talk about. My current job situation has completely sucked out my brain and left a quivering mass of gelatin behind.

This is something that all writers deal with. I’ve been here long enough now (and since it’s a temp job, I’m hopefully seeing the light at the end of the tunnel) that I’m starting to want to write again. Which means I will start writing (something other than blog posts) again–likely this weekend while my husband is hobnobbing with the SF Art world at Spectrum LIVE!

Gelatin Brain happens to us all in times of change/stress. We’ve had some other (minor but annoying) issues to deal with on top of the brain-draining temp job that have driven me to ice cream–another situation that helps maintain Gelatin Brain. It happens to all writers (all PEOPLE) and can derail a perfectly good productive streak.

These derailments can act much like either blowing a diet. If you have this grand scheme for getting writing accomplished and then encounter Gelatin Brain or other derailments, it might seem like you’re gigantic loser who’ll never write anything ever again. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! And this is a spiral we need to kick–like the event horizon of a Black Hole. Don’t get sucked into the spiral…it happens to everyone. LIFE happens to everyone (unless you’re a robot, which would be cool in a whole other realm).

The key is getting back on the proverbial horse as soon as possible, which is what I intend to do. Even if it’s only a drabble… a sentence or two here, a paragraph there. It will start snowballing. The sentences will become paragraphs. The paragraphs will become scenes/chapters/stories until the next thing you know, the plot bunnies will have taken over. The Gelatin Brain will have solidified and started firing creative synapses again. And all will be right with the world.

1 Comment

  • Daniel Myers says:

    Thank you for saying this….I have often felt between; my day job, Graduate School writing, my own responsibilities at home, and (yes, Type A) volunteer with the Juvenile Court, as though my brain has turned to industrial jelly.

    And yet, the warth of just penning a few words can melt my head-cheese into noodle kuggle.

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