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[Spotlight Post] Bob the Squirrel and Frank Page

Posted by reudaly on May 11, 2012 in Spotlight |

Today’s spotlight is one of my favorite daily comic strips–and it’s creator. I adore Bob the Squirrel. This is a daily strip by Frank Page that shows Page’s life as a cartoonist with snarky commentary by a talking squirrel, Bob.

Today's Bob the Squirrel - because I have nothing of my own to take pictures of. That's so wrong.

Bob is fantastic. He is, in fact, the only squirrel I actually like (probably because he’s fictional and not actively tormenting my dogs). This is actually one of the comics I reference every so often on Facebook because Frank’s commentary through his character Frank and Bob on a creative professional’s life (and the occasional pithy/deep insight on Bob’s part) hits very close to home.

The Bob the Squirrel strip has been around a lot longer than what I’ve been reading–the strip is in its 10th or 11th year, I’ve only been reading for…two? One of these days I AM going to buy the books Frank Page has available on LULU because I do, indeed, LOVE me some current Bob the Squirrel, I do want to know how he and the strip have evolved over time.

There was a brief moment in time late last year when Frank debated the ending of the strip. It was the 10th anniversary, and after a while all creators (except maybe George Lucas) look back on their creations and wonder if they should go on or come to a natural close. He kept all of us fans on the edge of our seats for a couple of months wondering what the decision was going to be. Did we get to continue with the adventures of the World’s Most Sarcastic Squirrel or would we say goodbye? Fortunately, 2012 started with the good news that we would get to see Bob evolve yet some more.

Now, Frank Page is like the majority of artists I know (this includes writers) in coming up with creative ways to keep the creative endeavors going. Besides the books (I totally love the title, It Doesn’t Matter, You’re Not Going to Buy This Book Anyway) Frank has Bob’s SquirrelMart on Cafepress, and he does commissions and sells one-offs. Like the originals of one panel cartoons of Bob dressed up like your favorite superhero. He also has a “Pay What You Can” offer for original strips.

Yes, part of what I love about Bob the Squirrel and Frank Page is the geek/pop culture factor. It makes me giggle. I think if you give Bob (and Frank) half a chance, they’ll make you giggle, too. And I know you can’t eat praise, or pay rent with it, but as G.I. Joe says, knowing is half the battle.

And if a daily strip isn’t enough…Bob is also active on Facebook and Twitter.

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