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[From the Archive] StrangeWords Articles are Changing

Posted by reudaly on March 30, 2012 in Archive, Writing |

I think I may have finally reached the point where I started up here…which means I need to figure out what to do on Fridays now…

Don’t forget… Comic Book Show this Sunday, April 1st – Arlington Hilton – come see me and artist, Ben Dunn.

I want to thank any and all of you who’ve been reading my weekly articles. I’ve enjoyed writing them over the last ~two years. Now it’s time for some changes. (Though not in the sense of Impending Doom kind of way – except for one aspect.) For a good chunk of the time that I’ve been writing for StrangeWords, I’ve been the only contributor for a site that had plans to become revenue generating. I’ve honored my commitment there, and now it’s time for a new phase in commitment.

I’m going to continue writing my weekly article/blog/opinion pieces on being a writer and this crazy industry we call publishing (and hopefully I’m hearing cheering and not groaning! 😎 ) but not on StrangeWords. Last week I sent the owner of the website my “resignation” of sorts. I’m moving my postings here, to *my* website. So, all the same great taste you’ve come to expect, but with less click through. As a couple of folk have pointed out – why was I driving traffic elsewhere, when my own site could use it? Hello, logic, we’ve been apart too long.

So, starting … well, now… this will be the home for my StrangeWords articles. I hope to be a bit more consistent with getting them up no later than Wednesday each week, and with one “bonus” feature. I’ve been good at saving my past articles, so for a while, there will be a “Blast from the Past” or “From the Vault” (to use Wil Wheaton’s term) posting late in the week (Friday or Saturday) with back posts from the site – to archive them and to remind me of which topics I’ve written about more than I should so I do something different.

I hope you’ve been enjoying the articles/postings as I’ve been doing them. I have enjoyed nattering on about this thing I do and hope to keep doing it for a long time to come. Thanks for sticking around. Pass the word. And feel free to make suggestions. We can have some fun.


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