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[From the Archive] Embracing the Low Tech

Posted by reudaly on March 2, 2012 in Archive, Writing |

This is actually appropriate – considering I had a computer hiccup earlier this week (still in the process of diagnosis), and I’ve spent time out and about with a notebook and pen…


Besides having an innate love of all things ink and graphite, and my love of (vetted) High Technology (yes, Virginia, there is an iPhone in my future – I’ve finally justified the cost), some may wonder why I still do a lot of my drafting in longhand (tree killer!)

Now, I could say it’s an editing process. I can feel freer to do my “pre-writing”, etc., on paper and have a more complete draft when the story is complete. And that would be true – to a certain extent. I do use my longhand draft as a “zero” draft and the typed version as a First Draft. That’s not the full reason. To be honest, I do a lot of things on paper with pen (not only because I like it) but because technology can – and will (the jerk) – let you down.

Technology is not always available where you may be. Smart Phones, iPads, and wireless devices are only as good at the network signal you can find for them. If something depends on you being online – Murphy will make sure there’s no way you’re getting online. Or you could be in a situation where use of technology (say, working at a renaissance festival is frowned upon, or your booth will not have electricity or something).

Technology is fickle. Just when you think you have all your devices playing nicely with each other and communicating properly – something happens. An update, a power blip, someone’s code hurts another code’s feelings and everything is a big jumbled mess of bytes and bits. In this case, technology does mimic human life…go figure.

Technology WILL FAIL!!!! It will. Count on it. Technology will fail. This is inevitable. Things that run on batteries will drain said batteries. Devices required to be plugged in will experience power failure. There will be power failures (the gas company cut a power line to my office building this week). Coffee WILL be spewed on keyboards, and cell phones DO fall in toilets. Hard drives inexplicably implode, and data will be lost – even if it’s backed up six times.

I’m not saying Low Tech options are not without their dangers. Dogs eat homework. Coffee spewed on notebook paper has the same effects (so does dropping a notebook in a toilet). BUT…low tech has some advantages. It’s as (or more) portable. You can always have a pen and pad with you – even in inconvenient times. No one frowns on a pen and pad at, say, Renaissance Festivals. If you’re traveling, you don’t have to worry about accidentally deleting (or having to turn off your devices) anything when hitting turbulence (or pot holes), you just have to worry about legibility. Oh, and when you’re frustrated with a project, it’s not a huge financial investment to throw a paper wad across the room (unlike a cell phone or computer).

And for the treehuggers – ink and paper are natural, biodegradable materials that don’t necessarily stay in landfills (and many plastic pens are now made of recycled materials). I’m not saying ditch your technology (then how would you read my brilliance? Kidding!!!), but to simply consider the joys and stress relief of the Low Tech now and then. And remember – those annoying paper wads are also good pet toys. Just sayin’.

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