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[Writer Post] ConDFW and Convention Brain

Posted by reudaly on February 22, 2012 in Conventions, Writing |

It’s Wednesday, which means Writer Blog Day – and I am still battling “convention brain”. “Convention Brain” is kind of like SQUIRREL! Brain, but not quite (Squirrel! Brain has more energy). That also means the convention was a rousing success.

We “officially” launched Redheads in Love, the 3rd installment of The Four Redheads of the Apocalypse. Thanks to all who are supporting the book and the series. We are very excited about this particular installment. We can’t wait to introduce the new book to other conventions/audiences throughout the year.

with Bill Crider and Julie Barrett

used to be my “kick off” convention, but I guess now that’s ConJOUR… It’s one of two AWESOME conventions in the D/FW area that has encouraged and supported me as a writer my entire career. And as much as this is a “fun” convention with great fans and great parties — it’s also one where deals can be struck, if you play your cards right.

Reading with Jaye Welles

Which is why conventions are so very important – and why, if you are a writer, you should be going to them (and not be a jerk – RULE ONE). More than one writer has done a reading in which is an editor/writer maybe also doing a reading or supporting another author who ends up buying a story from the reading writer. That’s the nature of the business — right place, right time, right circumstances.

You also don’t know what can happen from something that seems silly at the time… like posing for a photo with a NASA group mascot. Sure at first you wonder, Why am I taking pictures with a rubber chicken in a steampunk outfit? The quickest answer is: “It’s a convention, why wouldn’t I be posing with a steampunk-outfitted, rubber chicken?” The BETTER answer is… any SF writer who can make friends with NASA has a good resource for information on future projects, and potential to help/support programs that need awareness and (potentially) increase your audience.

I thoroughly enjoyed talking with the ladies from NASA’s SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) Goddard who had the table next to Yard Dog Press. And on June 5, 2012, I hope to remember where I’ve put my direct solar viewing glasses so I can watch Venus pass in front of the Sun. And if I can remember to link back up with the local chapter of the National Space Society, maybe we can work out some cross support or promotion for that as well.

Because let’s face it, my science is weak. I know it. More times than I care to admit, I identify with Penny on Big Bang Theory than any of the guys. Although, I do say I’m a “Science Fantasy” or straight fantasy writer. I DO NOT have the hard science background for hard science fiction. Though I’ve always found space fascinating or I wouldn’t be here.

So, what’s in store? More writing. That’s the other thing conventions do – they let you recharge your creative batteries. I have plot bunnies. I have projects demanding attention…I’m slowly getting my energy back to work on them. Conventions are EXHAUSTING. You come back WANTING to do all this STUFF. Set the world on fire with your creative brilliance, but facing facts (even though I HAVE gotten in a word count this week) we don’t have the brain capacity or energy to do more than laundry when we get home for about 2 days (I liken the 2nd day after a convention to the 2nd day after an injury – it hurts more then because all the adrenalin is GONE.)

However, the results are COMPLETELY worth the two days of convention brain. Really. Trust me. I’m a writer. 😎

P.S. the panel pictures are from our friends, John and Susan.

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