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[From the Archive] When Your Subconscious Speaks

Posted by reudaly on February 17, 2012 in Archive, Writing |

I’m heading out to ConDFW in a few hours for the official launch of Redheads in Love! But I leave you with this post from the Spring of 2010…

All of us have (or should have) that Wee Small Voice that talks to us from time to time – or perhaps a formally dressed, stalkerish cricket – when we need help. Yes, I’m talking about our consciences. And when we don’t listen to our consciences, it goes over our head – to the subconscious. That’s when you’re really in trouble, because when your subconscious talks, you need to listen.

For instance, last week I admitted I’d fallen off my Word Count Wagon and was frantically running along behind it trying to catch up. I’ve had these grand intentions of writing more and being better at consistency, then stuff happened. Then my subconscious got involved – and now it’s poking me through dreams.

You see, this weekend I had a crazy dream in which a publisher I know came to me letting me know that I was late delivering my novel – a novel that’s nowhere near done in real life but I’m working on. Great was my confusion. The calendar was on the second page of an email that I never received. And sure enough, I was over a month late by the publication schedule. I did wake up before I discovered the consequences of my failure to meet the deadline.

Now, I don’t currently have a novel contract with the publisher in my dream (yes, it was a real one), but the message was clear: GET BACK TO WORK!!!!

Let me tell you – I’m determined. I don’t want any more dreams like that one. I’m not totally back on my wagon, but I have a hold of the tailgate. Even as the busy time of the year gears up, I am committing to getting back on this writing wagon. I’ve never had my subconscious tell me I’m not working enough, and I don’t want to have it happen again.

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