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[Conventions] ConJour 4.0 Schedule – January 27-29, 2012

Posted by reudaly on January 23, 2012 in Conventions |

My ConJour Schedule:


6 P.M. Topic: The Business aspect of writing ,
Panelists: Moderator: Michael Ashleigh FinnRhonda Eudaly, PL Blair, O. M. Grey, David Doub
Description: Our panel of experts discuss what you need to know beyond writing the story.

7 P.M. Topic: How art is important to book publication
Panelists: Moderator: Jeremy Tully, Robert Stikmanz, David Doub, Rhonda Eudaly
Description: “A picture is worth 1000 words,” this is even more true in choosing when choosing art for your book. These authors and artists discuss the process of art selection for book covers.

8 P.M. Topic: Plot Development 1
Panelists: Moderator: Terry Mixon, Michael “Taltos” Willet, P.L. Blair, Rhonda Eudaly
Description: Plot development as a tool for your writing.


10 A.M. Topic: Why Researching for Your Story is Important
Panelists: Moderator: Robert Stikmanz, Mel White, David Doub, Rhonda Eudaly, P. L. Blair
Description: We all know that research papers require looking up facts, figures, and statistics. But what about stories? These authors explain why you need to research for your stories.

11 A.M. Topic: Beginning writer mistakes to avoid
Panelists: Moderator: Amy Sisson, Rhonda Eudaly, David Doub, Charlie Brown, O. M. Grey
Description: Learning what to avoid doing as a new writer.

1 P.M. Topic: She Walks In Darkness
Panelists: Moderator: Tonya Tipton, Rhonda Eudaly, O. M. Grey, Emily Karnes, Heather Dunbar, Amy Sisson
Description: Female authors and artists talk about feminism in their work.

2 P.M. Topic: Collaborating with Another Author
Panelists: Moderator: Rhonda Eudaly, Chris Dunbar, David Doub
Description: The good, the bad, and the ugly of working with someone else.

7 P.M. Topic: Positive child friendly and young adult sci-fi, horror, and fantasy
Panelists: Moderator: Tracy McKinley, Bev Hale, Rhonda Eudaly
Description: Our panel of experts describe what makes good child friendly literature, and talk about some of the positive things found in sci-fi, horror, and fantasy.


10 A.M. Topic: Publishing And Marketing Realities For The Emerging Author
Panelists: Moderator: Michael Ashleigh Finn, O. M. Grey, Terry Mixon, Rhonda Eudaly, David Doub
Description: What new authors can do and where they can go to market their product.

10 A.M. Rhonda Eudaly – reading (Yeah, we’re working on this.)

I will have a table in the dealer’s room, but they have me hopping. If I seem a little spacy at times, please bear with me.

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