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[Writer Post] Holiay MishMash

Posted by reudaly on December 14, 2011 in Life, Writing |

There’s a lot going on right now, so we’ll call this one the Holiday Mish-Mash.

The newest Amazon debate/debacle – I know a lot of authors feel Amazon is their Last, Best Hope as either self-published or independent publishers. It may be. But there are also a lot of things to beware of. Go into with your eyes open. If you opt in to their Prime Lending Library – you can’t sell your book(s) ANYWHERE else for the length of the run, and there’s no guarantee you’ll see any money out of it. If you do promote/sell somewhere else, Amazon can–basically– not pay you anything for anything for as long as they choose to “investigate”.

Also, I find their price-comparison app just obnoxious. Hey, guys! Go into a retail store, scan the barcode and we’ll not only tell you our price is cheaper, but give you up to $5.00 off to NOT buy from there. It’s WalMart tactics at their worst. WalMart used to be the Bully Elephant in the room, running small businesses out of town and treating employees like dirt. Amazon is giving them a run for their money.

I would never say DON’T shop at Amazon, because that not going to happen. Heck, I do on occasion. Just be informed about it as a writer and consumer. Keep an eye on the Price Fixing Investigation, too. Yes, Publishing Houses are still stuck in some really old business and accounting practices, but don’t let ease of download and lack of paper continue to cloud your thinking that ebooks aren’t worth paying for. When that becomes a mind set, none of us will be paid for our efforts again, ever. It’s hard enough to convince people writing is a JOB and WORK and that it needs to be PAID FOR without having to reconvince our industry.

MUSIC…Some have asked what my sound track is when I’m writing. A lot of times I don’t have one. If I’m home alone, the TV is on for background noise. I am not a “QUIET, PLEASE” writer. The voices in my head get too loud if they don’t have distractions. 😎 I also have to be able to tune stuff out in order to focus for some reason.

When I’m out – writing on breaks at Day Jobs, conventions, or writing in a coffee house or something, I do listen to music. All kinds of music: instrumental, vocal, loud, soft. I dig Christian Kane as much as Straight No Chaser and even the music from Phineas and Ferb. What’s inspiring me RIGHT NOW? This holiday season? Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Yup. I’m a fan of the ’80s Hair Bands, and this is pure, loud fun. It also helps I got to see a live show this past weekend. It’s also got a lot of driving rhythm and instrumental stuff. I end up writing and typing to the beat. The faster the song, the faster I go.

And now, it’s time to go put some of that to use… oh, and if you’re feeling creatively stifled this Holiday season? Try creating a new cookie recipe or adapting a blueberry bread recipe to have strudel. That worked for me — and fortunately, came out edible. 😎 Be on the lookout for Rhonda’s Soon-To-Be-Famous Peppermint Patty Chocolate Drop Cookies – coming to a holiday baking event near some of you.

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