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[Writer Post] And A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven – Anne McCaffrey Has Died

Posted by reudaly on November 23, 2011 in Life, Writing |

“And a time to every purpose under Heaven.” The last words on AVIAS. The words greeting Master Robinton’s death. The words that rang true yesterday afternoon as news spread across the internet that Anne McCaffrey was no longer with us. Yesterday, I didn’t know what this blog article would be. I never thought it would be this.

Anne McCaffrey suffered a massive stroke and died at the age of 85. Even though her health had been failing, it still comes as a shock and great sadness. I send my deepest and sincerest sympathies to her son, Todd, She was…Anne McCaffrey…there’s no other way to put it.

I never met her, but she was one of the major influences on my reading and writing life. She was the standard to emulate. The Dragonriders of Pern Science Fiction Book Club omnibus was one of the first books I remember getting and keeping and rereading since high school. I devoured all the Pern novels. Had a fangirl crush on Master Robinton. In fact, my last piece published was for Steven H Silver’s fanzine Argentus 11 in the Mock News section. This issue’s topic was to write a SF literary character’s obituary. I chose Master Robinton. It seems like a dress rehearsal now.

It wasn’t only the Pern novels I loved. The Crystal Singer and The Rowan books were staples for me. I don’t know if it was the recurring Female Protagonist Overcomes Massive Obstacles to Save the World stories that spoke to me or if it was simply the fact Anne McCaffrey told an amazing story. Though I would think it more a combination of the two. But after I read her books, I wanted to Sing Crystal. I wanted to move freight across time and space, and I wanted to talk to dragons and fly Between.

Anne McCaffrey was responsible for more than just good storytelling. She was a guide to so much more. I am no alone in the hoarde of writers, artists, and musicians who tried their hand at emulating Anne McCaffrey. I know many artists who drew their own dragons inspired off the ones she created in the Pern novels. Music has been written based on and inspired by her work. And almost every writer I know has had some mark left on them by her – directly or indirectly.

I am an example of “indirectly”. I never had the pleasure of meeting her, though I know she read some of my work as a Writers of the Future judge. But if not for her, I would’ve never been introduced to the excellent work of Jody Lynn Nye, Elizabeth Moon, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough and others. And though she won’t be with us physically any longer, Anne McCaffrey will live on in our hearts, minds, writing, and industry forever. This season may be over, but it – and she – will never, ever be forgotten.

NOTE: I don’t have my own photo of Anne McCaffrey. This is from Wikipedia.

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