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[Pen/Pencil Post] The Zebra Technoline 0.4mm BallPoint Pen

Posted by reudaly on November 7, 2011 in Review, writing instruments |

Continuing the smallest pen “mini” series, today’s post is on the Zebra Technoline 0.4mm ballpoint pen. This was from a New Product line and only available through JetPens or other online retailers, the Technoline line is not available on the Zebra Pens website. So this pen is not yet widely available in the US.

Obviously I ordered the green one. This pen has some similarities to the OHTO I reviewed last week. It’s lightweight – less than half an ounce in weight. It’s only 5″ long, which makes it barely long enough to be comfortable. It’s a wider body than the OHTO, so it’s more comfortable in my hand, especially with the slightly softer rubber finger grip area.

According to JetPens, this ballpoint ink is oil based, which makes it fast drying and allegedly waterproof. I’m not about to dump water on my work to discover if that’s the case. But I haven’t had any trouble with ink smearing, so I will give it the quick dry thumbs up.

The Technoline sports solid stainless steel hardware at the “business end” of the pen. The writing point is a very solid but tapered metal protecting the very fine point refill. I like that. It’s almost impossible to bend or break this point while writing normally. And the reservoir indicates a long-lasting ink. I’ve found the ink itself to be as dark and rich as anyone can expect from such a fine point and, frankly, from ballpoint ink. The lines created are smooth without skipping or glopping.

This is a solid pen running about $3.50 from It’s refillable, and for those who prefer a ballpoint, a very competent pen. They have higher end styles for those who want a “nicer” desk pen. But for a “go to” ball point, I’d use this one. And if I could find an inexpensive way to have them made into promotional products, I’d probably do that, but alas that’s something for WAY down the road. I don’t think VistaPrint or Amsterdam can get these down into my price range just yet… but I hope they try.

I give it 3.5 bronze pencils.

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