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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Pentel RSVP Ballpoint

Posted by reudaly on October 17, 2011 in Review, writing instruments |

I’ve probably written about these before, but I’m drawing a blank today… so bear with me if this is a “re-review” or a revisit to my favorite ballpoint pen. Yes, I have a favorite ballpoint pen – at least my favorite to date… The Pentel R.S.V.P. fine point.

This is an inexpensive “everyday” pen that can be used and abused but also refilled. The R.S.V.P. are 6 inches long capped, and 6.75 inches long with the cap posted, which make it the longest pen in its class. That’s a feature I like in a pen – I’m not a “stubby” pen person. The length actually helps it balance in my hand, and gives me enough length to fidget with when I’m …well, fidgeting.

The R.S.V.P.s come in a two point sizes – the fine point (0.7mm) and medium (1.0mm). I’m a fine point girl, which I’ve mentioned. These pens come in basic colors in fine – red, blue, black, green. The website SAYS the other colors – pink, light blue, violet – come in fine point, but I haven’t ever seen them. The ink is visible through the clear plastic barrel and is one of the largest reservoirs of ballpoint ink I’ve seen in a pen. These pens are completely refillable – for those who choose to do so.

What I like about the Pentel R.S.V.P. ball point pens is that even with the fine point, the ink doesn’t glob up. The lines are dark and firm. The rubberized grip is comfortable. I’ve used this pen for long periods of time without tiring. And the fact these are dirt cheap, available at all major retail outlets? If someone borrows a pen, I don’t have to worry about it never being returned.

I give the Pentel R.S.V.P. a 4 of 5 bronze pencils.

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